I want to build my camera for my used of inflight video record and FPV+OSD.
I think that “Raspberry Pi2 mini computer” and it camera module can used for my need.
then i start to do it … The RasPi camera

Start date:
May 14, 2015 I’m start to setup Micro computer “Raspberry Pi 2” for work with my new project smile emoticon this computer is very small size, but full of process power smile emoticon 900Mhz Quad core, RAM 1GB, SD card storage, 4 USB port, LAN, HDMI, AV-OUT, Socket for camera module and LCD display smile emoticon This micro computer can run with OS Linux or Windows10. and I buy it options such as it box, WiFi USB, bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse for easy to my develop.

Test my mini computer linux system by use it to browse and play YouTube video.
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEOWTQJlHm0

May 15, 2015
i build LED & button board for use with Raspberry Pi 2 for easy to use it as DVR camera.

Test Raspberry Pi 2 with Python script. after system boot, then auto-login then auto-run my Python script. test with my build panel, 3 LED & 3 button 🙂 this’s my first time with Python programming.
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e8tqTx7g38

May 16, 2015
assembly Raspberry Pi camera module with Raspberry Pi 2.
Raspberry Pi camera module have 5 MegaPixel sensor that good for my used.

May 19, 2015
Test my build RasPi camera do Time-Lapse video.
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B + Raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3 + My Python script
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH2HUx_3Bf4

June 6, 2015
The RTC (Real Time Clock), it’s very need for DVR camera
RTC chip DS1307, Crystal 32.768 KHz, Battery Lithium 3V
after add RTC, my raspberry pi-2 have a hardware clock that will never lost it time, it time will still running although it was power off. This seem time of PC/Notebook that time will running although it was power off. RTC hardware clock, it very useful when use raspberry pi without LAN/WiFi network (normally raspberry pi will get time from LAN/WiFi)

I build damper mount for my build RasPi camera and attach it with my Tri-Copter X900

July 15, 2015
Raspberry Pi2 with 5M camera module and my Python script, it working as inflight camera with AV-OUT for FPV and OSD, I attach my custom build camera with my Tri-Copter X900, this flight flying for test all feature. see inflight video, FPV+OSD video and ground video, that all mixed in this one clip video
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS2y9HcHtxM

July 16, 2015
For better flight view, I modify Raspberry Pi camera lens from narrow to wide lens, that will good for inflight video record and FPV

This flight for test inflight and FPV+OSD videos of my build camera that use wide lens.
Rain storm is near at the east, So this flight have very windy, but my build RasPi camera and damper plate still working well.
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBaM9V-FVnM

July 17, 2015
This evening the sky have so much cloud and windy.
My build RasPi cam with Tri-Copter X900 flying for take video of beauty cloud on the sky
YouTube video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba-fOXwSGVQ

These photo capture from inflight video of my build RasPi cam

RasPi my build camera for DVR/FPV

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