April 24, 2015 i was modified board KK 2.1 for run with firmware MultiWii 2.4
after modified this KK 2.1 can support GPS, telemetry, waypoint navigation and all feature of MultiWii 2.4

Board KK 2.1 have MPU Atmega644PA run at 20 MHz with FLASH 64K, 2 serial port, 6 HW PWM that all good for support GPS, Telemetry, waypoint navigation, RTH, auto-landing and all featured of firmware MultiWii 2.4, See it working in this video 🙂

YouTube => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGdm9g4EJc4

Install board KK 2.1 modified and GPS + 10DOF flight sensor to HobbyKing Tri-copter X900

field test 🙂

May 3, 2015 Test flying HobbyKing Tri-copter X900, use board KK 2.1 Smith Modify that run firmware MultiWii 2.4 Smith modify,
So this KK 2.1 modify can support GPS and Telemetry. in this test flight,
I will test GPS position Hold and Return To Home (RTH) and also test bluetooth telemetry work with EZ-GUI on android tablet.

YouTube => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhSKbTR6U24

KK 2.1 modify for run MultiWii 2.4

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6 thoughts on “KK 2.1 modify for run MultiWii 2.4

  1. Hi
    That are great news what you did over there.
    Do you think this will also be working for the KK 2.1 HC?
    Is it possible, that you could post what components to get( perhaps with links) and to get a little tutorial how to do those mods?
    I started with the KK 2.1 HC, unlucky I was told it doesn’t support GPS.
    Now as I saw your post, I’m quite confident and looking forward to do the same mod.


    1. KK 2.1 HC use same CPU as KK 2.1, it’s atmega644pa so it can use for my modify.
      modify KK 2.1 or KK 2.1 HC to have all port same as MultiWii FCB, it is not difficult.
      but modify firmware MultiWii 2.4 to work with atmega644pa is rather difficult.
      So, if you want to use GPS function, you buy board “CRIUS AIO Pro V2” that can use full feature of firmware “MultiWii 2.4”
      that no need any modify, this will easier for you.

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